Sunday, 3 February 2013

40th Anniversary - Live Episode

                                                         My rating - 5

On 17th October this year, to celebrate their 40'th year, Emmerdale went live. Eastenders and Coronation Street are two other soaps that have gone live but Emmerdale was my favorite. It was an action packed episode, the acting was brilliant, and most importantly? There were no mistakes!! In Eastenders, Scott Maslin who plays Jack Branning messed up his lines, Barbara Windsor called the actress who plays Roxy by her real name and when Bradley died his finger moved. I don't remember any mistakes from Coronation Street, but some of the acting wasn't up-to-scratch.

During this live episode there were two births, two weddings (one that only lasts an hour) and a death of a 'well loved-character' which later turned out to be Carl King. The births were Debbie and Gennie Dingle and  when Debbie gave birth it was nice finally seeing Cain and Zak getting on better and Cain and Charity were nice to each other for once. Gennie's birth was hilarious. Nikhil was especially funny when he was looking at a baby app on his Iphone. The funniest bit was when he fainted. Hilarious!

Now the death. I am so gutted that they killed off Carl King! I know his character wasn't very nice leading up to the great finale, but he had his great moments and he was a very popular character. His death was a complete shocker! I knew it was him that was going to die from the very start, but the way he died shocked me. Chas promised Carl that she would run away with him, when she wasn't really going to. He tried to force himself on her but she hit him on his head with a brick. I thought this was the end of Carl King, and I was ready for the episode to finish. But then Cameron came along. He hits Carl over the head with the brick and this time it kills him instantly. But not before he manages to send Debbie a text that would change the characters forever. Chas thinks she killed Carl, but we all know it was Cameron. One thing that ruined the ending was when Cameron hit Carl. The brick bounced right off him!

The two characters I feel sorry for are Dan (Chas's husband) and Jimmy. Dan because the love of his life doesn't love him, and Jimmy because he's lost another brother and now he's the only one left.

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